Teema: teadus

8. aprillil kõneleb haridusteaduste instituudis Rochesteri Ülikooli teadlane April Luehmann
8. aprillil kell 10.00 kuni 13.45 toimub Jakobi 5 ruumis 151 seminar „Teachers’ engagement in Design-Based Research – the COVID Connects Us Project“, mida juhib kaasprofessor April Luehmann.
28. märts 2022 teadus
Recently defended doctoral theses
Here you can find the overview of theses defended in the joint council of the Institute of Education and the Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences during the last three academic years. 
16. märts 2022 teadus
Doctoral Theses in Educational Science
The doctoral programme of educational science prepares its students for independent research work as well as for undertaking top specialist positions in the education system.
15. märts 2022 teadus
30. märtsil toimub haridusteaduslik seminar Jaan Valsineri, Aleksandar Baucali ja Francesco Arcidiaconoga
30. märtsil toimub haridusteaduste instituudis seminar Jaan Valsineri (Aalborgi Ülikool), Aleksandar Baucali (Belgradi Ülikool) ja Francesco Arcidiaconoga (University of Teacher Education BEJUNE).
10. märts 2022 teadus