For doctoral students in Educational Science

Doctoral studies are research-based studies at the topmost level of higher education, during which the doctoral student acquires the necessary skills for independent research, development, and creative work. Doctoral studies prepare students for employment as teaching or research staff in universities and other research institutions, or as lead professional specialists in non-academic establishments.


In the 2022/2023 academic year a doctoral programme in Educational Sciences was opened for admission in the Faculty of Social Sciences. The programme offers two specialisations to choose from:

  • Education Science (coordinated by the Institute of Educational Sciences)
  • Science Education (coordinated by the Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences)

See further information about the admission requirements.

Information about admission to doctoral studies can be found on the University of Tartu website.

The University of Tartu's doctoral studies are organised by the Regulations for Doctoral Studies (RDS). The RDS includes the general rules of supervision, the individual plan, progress reviews and the degree application procedure.

The University's good practices are recommended reading for all doctoral students, especially Good Practice of Doctoral Studies.

For general study-related issues such as registration to courses, recognition of prior learning, etc., see Study Regulations. General study instructions and guidelines are also available here.

See further information about the organization of doctoral studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Planning and completing doctoral studies

This page refers to the main requirements for individual plan, progress review and doctoral candidate, as well as links to guidelines and document forms.


Document forms

Progress review is the assessment of the progress of the learner in doctoral studies in research and studies at the progress review meeting. Passing progress review is the prerequisite for continuing doctoral studies. The progress review is carried out by the Doctoral Study Progress Review Committee, approved by order of the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

At the progress review the review committee assesses the doctoral student's progress in research and studies based on their programme and fulfilment of the individual plan.

First year doctoral students are reviewed twice: one semester after matriculation and two semesters after matriculation. From the second year onward, the progress of the doctoral student is reviewed once per academic year, two semesters after the last progress review.

The Progress review is regulated by Regulations for Doctoral Studies and Procedure for Assessing Doctoral Students Progress in Research and Conducting Progress Reviews in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Information about the recognition of studies and work experience obtained outside the programme can be found on the University of Tartu website:

  • Learners in doctoral curricula opened before the 2022/2023 academic year
  • Learners in doctoral programmes opened from the 2022/2023 academic year onwards
  • Recognition of continuing education programmes, in-service training, professional and other learning events completed at the university during the studies
  • Recognition of prior learning and professional experience towards completion of the programme

Procedure and conditions of competition for filling vacant student places in the faculty of Social Sciences.

An overview of doctoral studies at the University of Tartu (programs, regulations, study planning, scholarships and much more) can be found on the University of Tartu website.

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