The Institute of Education provides research-based, pre-service training for teachers, special education teachers, speech therapists, and social pedagogues. There is also an extensive in-service training programme for teachers, heads of schools, and university teaching staff.
The institute’s main fields of research consist of teachers' professional development, students' assessment and support in development, educational technology, and special education. Important recent publications deal with phases of inquiry-based learning, students’ metacognition, and interconnection between teaching practices and students’ achievements.
The Institute’s staff participates in international co-operation, including several professional organisations, such as EARLI, IEEE, etc. Our major international co-operation and development projects have focused on web-based learning environments and learning analytics in e-assessment.
Our departments:
Pedagogicum of the University of Tartu is coordinating teacher education at the university and ensuring collaboration of teacher education departments and schools.
As from January 2022, all departments of the Institute of Education will operate and host our students of pre-service and in-service training in the newly refurbished offices at Jakobi 5 in the centre of Tartu.
Phone: 737 6450
Address: Jakobi 5, Tartu 51005, Estonia