Information for incoming students

Studying abroad can be a life changing experience. You are able to live in a multicultural environment, develop meaningful and lifelong relationships, get a different perspective on your studies and develop as a person. The University of Tartu is one the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe and has a world-wide reputation for offering a high-quality modern study environment, an exciting student life and provides an unforgettable experience for students. Why not take the opportunity to study and spend a semester or two in Estonia!

If you are a student registered at a foreign university, you can study at the University of Tartu as a visiting student for one semester or a full academic year. Upon completion of studies students receive a transcript with credits (ECTS) earned. Visiting students are classified as follows:

Exchange students
Exchange students are those registered at a university with which the University of Tartu has an exchange agreement. To apply, students must be nominated by their home university prior to entrance. More information about the process of applying as an exchange student can be found here.

Visiting students
When there is no bilateral exchange agreement between the University of Tartu and the student’s home university, students can register for study-units at the University on a tuition fee basis for a period of either one semester or one full academic year, providing the applicant is a registered student of another university. More information about the process of applying as free-mover can be found here.


Academic calendar

The autumn semester starts at the beginning of September and ends at the end of January.
The spring semester starts on the second week of February and ends in the middle of June.

Courses Taught in English and Grading

Application Information for Exchange Students

Application Information for Visiting Students

Living Arrangements

Visa and Residence

  • EU citizens (including European Economic Area and Swiss Confederation):
    EU citizens are allowed to stay in Estonia on the basis of a valid travel document or identity card for the period of up to 3 months. As international students usually stay longer, they should register themselves as residents of Tartu and apply for an ID card.
  • Non-EU citizens:
    Included with the admission letter, students will receive information on how to apply for a long-term (D) visa.


  • Tartu Student Hostel for short-term students in Tartu (students staying up to 10 months). All short-term students need to pay their deposit directly after receiving an accommodation offer, and this must reach the hostel within 10 days from receiving the offer. Accommodation at the student hostel is provided only for the fixed period (as the period stated in the student's admission letter). If the studies start outside semester, the application deadline is not fixed.
  • Other housing options in Tartu.
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