Publications in the Institute of Education

The publications of our institute's employees are available in the Estonian Research Information System ETIS and in the database of Google Scholar.


Bardone, Emanuele; Eradze, Maka (2022). Theorising Transformative Educational Technology as a Meso-Related Venture. In: Davide Secchi, Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen, and Stephen J. Cowley (Ed.). Organizational Cognition: The Theory of Social Organizing. Routledge [ilmumas].

Edisherashvili, Natalia; Saks, Katrin; Pedaste, Margus; Leijen, Äli (2022). Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Distance Learning Contexts at Higher Education Level: Systematic Literature Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.792422.

Leijen, Äli; Pedaste, Margus; Baucal, Aleksandar (2022). Assessing student teachers’ agency and using it for predicting commitment to teaching. European Journal of Teacher Education, 1−17. DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2021.1889507.

Malva, Liina; Leijen, Äli; Arcidiacono, Francesco (2022). Identifying teachers’ general pedagogical knowledge: A video stimulated recall study. Educational Studies, 1−26. DOI: 10.1080/03055698.2021.1873738.

Piirman, Marit; Saks, Katrin (2022). Celebrity endorsement. In: Buhalis, Dimitrios (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing [ilmumas].

Timoštšuk, I.; Uibu, K.; Vanahans, M. (2022). Estonian preschool and primary teachers’ intercultural competence as shaped by experiences with newly arrived migrant students. Intercultural Education, xx (xx) [ilmumas].

Yang, Yeongwook; Hooshyar, Danial; Pedaste, Margus; Wang, Minhong; Huang, Yueh-Min; Lim, Heuiseok (2022). Prediction of students’ procrastination behaviour through their submission behavioural pattern in online learning. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1−18. DOI: 10.1007/s12652-020-02041-8 [ilmumas].


Adov, Liina; Mäeots, Mario (2021). What Can We Learn about Science Teachers’ Technology Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Education Sciences, 11 (6), 255. DOI: 10.3390/educsci11060255.

Chounta, Irene-Angelica; Bardone, Emanuele; Raudsep, Aet; Pedaste, Margus (2021). Exploring teachers’ perceptions of Artificial Intelligence as a tool to support their practice in Estonian K-12 education. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. DOI: 10.1007/s40593-021-00243-5.

de Jong, Ton; Gillet, Denis; Rodríguez-Triana, María Jesús; Hovardas, Tasos; Dikke, Diana; Doran, Rosa; Dziabenko, Olga; Koslowsky, Jens; Korventausta, Miikka; Law, Effie; Pedaste, Margus; Tasiopoulou, Evita; Vidal, Gérard; Zacharia, Zacharias C. (2021). Understanding teacher design practices for digital inquiry–based science learning: the case of Go-Lab. Educational Technology Research and Development. DOI: 10.1007/s11423-020-09904-z.

Eradze, Maka; Bardone, Emanuele; Dipace, Anna (2021). Theorising on covid-19 educational emergency: magnifying glasses for the field of educational technology. Learning Media and Technology. DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2021.1961802.

Hooshyar, Danial; Malva, Liina; Yang, Yeongwook; Pedaste, Margus; Wang, Minhong; Lim, Heuiseok (2021). An adaptive educational computer game: Effects on students' knowledge and learning attitude in computational thinking. Computers in Human Behavior, 114, 106575. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2020.106575.

Hunt, Pihel; Leijen, Äli; van der Schaaf, Marieke (2021). Automated Feedback Is Nice and Human Presence Makes It Better: Teachers’ Perceptions of Feedback by Means of an E-Portfolio Enhanced with Learning Analytics. Education Sciences, 11 (6, 278), 1−13. DOI: 10.3390/educsci11060278.

Katz, Sandra; Albacete, Patricia; Chounta, Irene-Angelica; Jordan, Pamela; McLaren, Bruce; Zapata-Rivera, Diego (2021). Linking Dialogue with Student Modelling to Create an Adaptive Tutoring System for Conceptual Physics. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education [ilmumas].

Kirss, Laura; Saalik, Ulle; Leijen, Ali; Pedaste, Margus (2021). School Effectiveness in Multilingual Education: A Review of Success Factors. EDUCATION SCIENCES, 11 (5), ARTN 193. DOI: 10.3390/educsci11050193.

Kivirand, Tiina; Leijen, Äli; Lepp, Liina; Tammemäe, Tiiu (2021). Designing and Implementing an In-Service Training Course for School Teams on Inclusive Education: Reflections from Participants. Education Sciences, 11 (4), 166. DOI: 10.3390/educsci11040166.

Koni, Ingrid; Lepp, Liina (2021). Lesson recordings and analysis as part of teacher professional development programmes: what are the student teachers’ opinions? Educational Studies, 1−13. DOI: 10.1080/03055698.2021.1951673 [ilmumas].

Kvieskiene, Giedre; Ivanova, Ilze; Trasberg, Karmen; Stasytyte, Viktorija; Celiešiene, Egle (2021). Modelling of Social Policy and Initiatives under COVID-19: Rural NEET Youth Case Study. Social Sciences, 10 (393), 1−16. DOI: 10.3390/socsci10100393.

Kärbla, Triinu; Uibu, Krista; Männamaa, Mairi (2021). Teaching strategies to improve students’ vocabulary and text comprehension. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1−21. DOI: 10.1007/s10212-020-00489-y [ilmumas].

Kyttälä, Minna; Sinkkonen, Hanna-Maija; Kõiv, Kristi (2021). Social, emotional, and behavioral strengths and difficulties among sixth grade students: comparing student and teacher ratings in Finland and Estonia. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 9 (1), 42−54. DOI: 10.1080/21683603.2019.1640148.

Leibur, Tiiu; Saks, Katrin; Chounta, Angeliki Eirini (2021). Towards Acquiring Teachers’ Professional Qualification Based on Professional Standards: Perceptions, Expectations and Needs on the Application Process. Education Sciences, 11 (8), 1−19. DOI: 10.3390/educsci11080391.

Leijen, Äli; Arcidiacono, Francesco; Baucal, Aleksandar (2021). The Dilemma of Inclusive Education: Inclusion for Some or Inclusion for All. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 (633066), 1−10. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.633066.

Leijen, Äli; Pedaste, Margus; Baucal, Aleksandar (2021). Assessing student teachers’ agency and using it for predicting commitment to teaching. European Journal of Teacher Education, 1−17. DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2021.1889507 [ilmumas].

Lepp, L., Aaviku, T., Leijen, Ä., Pedaste, M., Saks, K. (2021). Teaching during COVID-19: The Decisions Made in Teaching. Education Sciences, 11 (2), 47. DOI: 10.3390/educsci11020047.

Malva, Liina; Leijen, Äli; Arcidiacono, Francesco (2021). Identifying teachers’ general pedagogical knowledge: A video stimulated recall study. Educational Studies, 1−26. DOI: 10.1080/03055698.2021.1873738 [ilmumas].

Muntaner‐Mas, Adrià; Ortega, Francisco B; Femia, Pedro; Kiive, Evelyn; Eensoo, Diva; Mäestu, Jarek; Franke, Barbara; Reif, Andreas; Faraone, Stephen V; Harro, Jaanus (2021). Low cardiorespiratory fitness and obesity for ADHD in childhood and adolescence: A 6‐year cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. DOI: 10.1111/sms.13905 [ilmumas].

Otchie, Wilson Ofotsu; Pedaste, Margus; Bardone Emanuele; Chounta Irene-Angelica (2021). Contextualizing social media ecology and its pedagogical affordances: the perspective of high school teachers. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 19 (6), 1−30 [ilmumas].

Park, Chanjun; Kim, Kuekyeng; Yang, YeongWook; Kang, Minho; Lim, Heuiseok (2021). Neural spelling correction: translating incorrect sentences to correct sentences for multimedia. Multimedia Tools and Applications. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-020-09148-2 [ilmumas].

Pedaste, Margus; Baucal, Aleksandar; Reisenbuk, Elle (2021). Towards a science inquiry test in primary education: development of items and scales. International Journal of STEM Education, 8 (1). DOI: 10.1186/s40594-021-00278-z.

Pedaste, Margus; Kasemets, Meriliis (2021). Challenges in Organizing Online Conferences. Educational Technology & Society, 24 (1), 92−104.

Roos, Liana; Löfström, Erika; Remmik, Marvi (2021). Individual and Structural Challenges in Doctoral Education: An Ethical Perspective. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 16, 211−236. DOI: 10.28945/4738.

Roos, Liana; Trasberg, Karmen; Kõiv, Kristi; Säre, Egle (2021). Characteristics of powerful learning environments in VET transition program for at-risk students: qualitative insights from teachers and support specialists implementing the program. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, 13 (1), 1−21. DOI: 10.1186/s40461-021-00123-1.

Saks, Katrin; Ilves, Helen; Noppel, Airi (2021). The Impact of Procedural Knowledge on the Formation of Declarative Knowledge: How Accomplishing Activities Designed for Developing Learning Skills Impacts Teachers’ Knowledge of Learning Skills. Education Sciences, 11, 1−15. DOI: 10.3390/educsci11100598.

Siebers, Peer-Olaf; Herath, Dinuka B.; Bardone, Emanuele; Farahbakhsh, Siavash; Knudsen, Peter. G.; Madsen, Jens K.; Mufti, Mehwish; Neumann, Martin; Richards, Dale; Seri, Raffaello; Secchi, Davide. (2021). On the Quest for Defining Organisational Plasticity: A Community Modelling Experiment. Evidence-based HRM a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship [ilmumas].

Sikkal, E.; Uibu, K.; Vaas, I.; Krass, T. (2021). Teaching Evidence-Based Subject Didactics in Primary Teacher Education. lnternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 13 (5), 639−649. DOI: 10.26822/iejee.2021.218.

Silm, Gerli; Must, Olev; Taht, Karin; Pedaste, Margus (2021). Does test-taking motivation predict test results in a highstakes testing context? Educational Research and Evaluation, 1−27. DOI: 10.1080/13803611.2021.1949355.

Taimalu, M; Luik, P; Kantelinen, R; Kukkonen, J (2021). WHY THEY CHOOSE A TEACHING CAREER? FACTORS MOTIVATING CAREER CHOICE AMONG ESTONIAN AND FINNISH STUDENT TEACHERS. Trames Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 25 (1), 19−35. DOI: 10.3176/tr.2021.1.02.

Tamm, A., Tulviste, T., Tõnissaar, M. (2021). Values of adolescents and values prevailing in the classroom are related to adolescents’ psychological adjustment. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 18, 1, 56−74. DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2020.1755250.

Tedersoo, Leho; Küngas, Rainer; Oras, Ester; Köster, Kajar; Eenmaa, Helen; Leijen, Äli; Pedaste, Margus; Raju, Marju; Astapova, Anastasiya; Lukner, Heli; Kogermann, Karin; Sepp, Tuul (2021). Data sharing practices and data availability upon request differ across scientific disciplines. Scientific Data, 8 (192), 1−11. DOI: 10.1038/s41597-021-00981-0.

Timoštšuk, I.; Uibu, K.; Vanahans, M. (2021). Estonian preschool and primary teachers’ intercultural competence as shaped by experiences with newly arrived migrant students. Intercultural Education, xx (xx) [ilmumas].

Trasberg, Karmen (2021). Expectations of Estonian Vocational Teacher Students on Entrepreneurship Education. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 24, 4.

Uibu, K.; Salo, A.; Ugaste, A.; Rasku-Puttonen, H. (2021). Observed teaching practices interpreted from the perspective of school-based teacher educators. European Journal of Teacher Education, xx (xx). DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2021.1900110.

Viirpalu, Piret; Krull, Edgar; Mikser, Rain (2021). Teachers´ feelings of curriculum ownership: the Estonian case. Journal of Baltic Studies [ilmumas].

Yang, Yeongwook; Hooshyar, Danial; Pedaste, Margus; Wang, Minhong; Huang, Yueh-Min; Lim, Heuiseok (2021). Prediction of students’ procrastination behaviour through their submission behavioural pattern in online learning. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1−18. DOI: 10.1007/s12652-020-02041-8 [ilmumas].

Yang, Yeongwook; Jo, Jaechoon; Lim, Heuiseok (2021). Unifying user preference and item knowledge-based similarity models for top-N recommendation. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. DOI: 10.1007/s00779-019-01252-x [ilmumas].

Yang,Yeongwook; Hooshyar, Danial; Jo, Jaechoon; Lim, Heuiseok (2020). A group preference-based item similarity model: comparison of clustering techniques in ambient and context-aware recommender systems. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1−9. DOI: 10.1007/s12652-018-1039-1.

Palts, Tauno; Pedaste, Margus (2020). A Model for Developing Computational Thinking Skills. Informatics in Education, 19 (1), 113−128. DOI: 10.15388/infedu.2020.06.

Ji, Hyesung; Hooshyar, Danial; Kim,Kuekyeng; Lim,Heuiseok; (2020). A semantic-based video scene segmentation using a deep neural network. Journal of Information Science, 45 (6). DOI: 10.1177%2F0165551518819964.

Laura Kirss; Ülle Säälik; Margus Pedaste; Äli Leijen (2020). A SYNTHESIS OF THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS ON MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION FOR SCHOOL LEADERS. Trames : Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 24 (1), 27−51.

Kirss, Laura; Säälik, Ülle; Pedaste, Margus; Leijen, Äli (2020). A SYNTHESIS OF THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS ON MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION FOR SCHOOL LEADERS. Trames Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 24 (1), 27−51. DOI: 10.3176/tr.2020.1.02.

Park, Chanjun; Lee, Chanhee; Yang, Yeongwook; Lim, Heuiseok (2020). Ancient Korean Neural Machine Translation. IEEE Access, 8, 116617−116625. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3004879.

Tuvi, Iiris; Harro, Jaanus; Kiive, Evelyn; Vaht, Mariliis; Bachmann, Talis (2020). Associations of attention distractibility with attention deficit and with variation in the KTN1 gene. Neuroscience Letters, 738, 135397.10.1016/j.neulet.2020.135397.

Otchie, W.O.; Pedaste, M.; Bardone, E.; Chounta, I-A. (2020).

Can YouTube videos facilitate teaching and learning of STEM subjects in high schools?

. Bulletin of the IEEE technical committee on learning technology, 20 (1), 3−8.

Hooshyar, Danial; Yang, Yeongwook; Pedaste, Margus; Huang, Yueh-Min (2020). Clustering Algorithms in an Educational Context: An Automatic Comparative Approach. IEEE Access, 8, 146994−147014. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3014948.

Park, Chanjun; Yang, Yeongwook; Lee, Chanhee; Lim, Heuiseok (2020). Comparison of the Evaluation Metrics for Neural Grammatical Error Correction With Overcorrection. IEEE Access, 8, 106264−106272. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998149.

Adov, L; Pedaste, M; Leijen, Ä; Rannikmäe, M (2020). Does It Have to Be Easy, Useful, or Do We Need Something Else? STEM Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Mobile Device Use in Teaching. Technology Pedagogy and Education, 29 (4), 511−526. DOI: 10.1080/1475939X.2020.1785928.

Kanger, Laur; Sillak, Silver (2020). Emergence, consolidation and dominance of meta-regimes: Exploring the historical evolution of mass production (1765–1972) from the deep transitions perspective. Technology in Society, 63 (101393), 101393. DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2020.101393.

Hooshyar, Danial; Pedaste, Margus; Yang, Yeongwook; Malva, Liina; Hwang, Gwo-Jen; Wang, Minhong; Lim, Heuiseok; Delev, Dejan (2020). From Gaming to Computational Thinking: An Adaptive Educational Computer Game-Based Learning Approach. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 073563312096591. DOI: 10.1177/0735633120965919.

Allas, Raili; Leijen, Äli; Toom, Auli (2020). Guided reflection procedure as a method to facilitate student teachers’ perception of their teaching to support the construction of practical knowledge. Teachers and Teaching, 26 (2), 166−192. DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2020.1758053.

Prilla, Michael; Blunk, Oliver; Chounta, Irene-Angelica (2020). How does Collaborative Reflection Unfold in Online Communities? An Analysis of two Data Sets. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). DOI: 10.1007/s10606-020-09382-0.

Yang, Yeongwook; Hooshyar, Danial; El Mawas, Nour (2020). Investigating the Learning Impact of Autothinking Educational Game on Adults: A Case Study of France. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. , 188−196. DOI: 10.5220/0009790301880196.

Katz, Sandra; Albacete, Patricia; Chounta, Irene-Angelica; Jordan, Pamela; McLaren, Bruce; Zapata-Rivera, Diego (2020). Linking Dialogue with Student Modelling to Create an Adaptive Tutoring System for Conceptual Physics. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education [ilmumas].

Gurieva, Svetlana; Kõiv, Kristi; Tararukhina,Olga (2020). Migration and Adaptation as Indicators of Social Mobility Migrants. Behavioral Sciences, 10 (1), 1−12. DOI: 10.3390/bs10010030.

Hooshyar, Danial; Pedaste, Margus; Yang, Yeongwook (2020). Mining Educational Data to Predict Students' Performance through Procrastination Behavior. Entropy, 22 (1), ARTN 12. DOI: 10.3390/e22010012.

O'Leary, Aet; Laas, Kariina; Vaht, Mariliis; Kiive, Evelyn; Veidebaum, Toomas; Reif, Andreas; Harro, Jaanus (2020). Nitric oxide synthase genotype interacts with stressful life events to increase aggression in male subjects in a population-representative sample. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 30, 56−65. DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2019.07.241.

Must, Olev; Must, Aasa (2020). No decline in the principle -based thought of 9-year -old schoolchildren between 1991 and 2001. Intelligence, 80, ARTN 101455.10.1016/j.intell.2020.101455.

Hooshyar, Danial; Pedaste, Margus; Saks, Katrin; Leijen, Äli; Bardone, Emanuele; Wang, Minhong; (2020). Open Learner Models in Supporting Self-regulated Learning in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review. Computers & Education, 154, 1−19. DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2020.103878.

Yang, Yeongwook; Hooshyar, Danial; Pedaste, Margus; Wang, Minhong; Huang, Yueh-Min; Lim, Heuiseok (2020). Predicting course achievement of university students based on their procrastination behaviour on Moodle. Soft Computing, 1−17. DOI: 10.1007/s00500-020-05110-4.

Käsper, M.; Uibu, K.; Mikk, J. (2020). Primary school teachers’ teaching strategies for the development of students’ text comprehension. Education 3-13, 48 (5), 512−526.10.1080/03004279.2019.1623282.

Leijen, Äli; Pedaste, Margus; Lepp, Liina (2020). Teacher Agency Following the Ecological Model: How it is Achieved and How it Could be Strengthened by Different Types of Reflection. British Journal of Educational Studies, 68 (3), 295−310. DOI: 10.1080/00071005.2019.1672855.

Tamm, Anni; Tulviste, Tiia; Martinson, Getter (2020). Teachers’ personal values, age, and educational setting shape their socialisation values. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 41 (3), 1−9.10.1080/13617672.2019.1653055.

Bardone, Emanuele; Tonni, Tony; Chounta, Irene-Angelica (2020). The educational technologist as a variety-handler. Videoconferencing for remote music lessons as a case in point. Education and Information Technologies [ilmumas].

Lehes, L., Sõber, L., Padrik, M., Kasenõmm, P., Numa, J., Jagomägi, T. (2020). The effect of velopharyngeal insufficiency on voice quality in Estonian cleft palate children. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2020.1780323 [ilmumas].

Käsper M.; Uibu K.; Mikk J. (2020). The effects of teaching strategies on primary school students’ reading outcomes and interest in reading. L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 20, 1−24.10.17239/L1ESLL-2020.20.01.12.

Silm, Gerli; Pedaste, Margus; Täht, Karin (2020). The relationship between performance and test-taking effort when measured with self-report or time-based instruments: A meta-analytic review. Educational Research Review [ilmumas].

Tamm, A.; Tulviste, T. (2020). To what extent do perceived parental socialization values match Estonian adolescents’ personal values? Child Indicators Research, 13, 1811−1825. DOI: 10.1007/s12187-020-09724-w.

Kärbla, Triinu; Männamaa, Mairi; Uibu, Krista (2020). Vocabulary and Text Comprehension Levels: What should be Considered in Assessments? Educational Psychology, 40 (7), 875−892. DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2019.1703172.

Pedaste, Margus; Mitt, Geidi; Jürivete, Teele (2020). What Is the Effect of Using Mobile Augmented Reality in K12 Inquiry-Based Learning? Education Sciences, 10 (4), 94. DOI: 10.3390/educsci10040094.

Hooshyar,Danial; Yousefi, Moslem; Lim, Heuiseok (2019). A systematic review of data-driven approaches in player modeling of educational games. Artificial Intelligence Review, 52 (3), 1−21. DOI: 10.1007/s10462-017-9609-8.

Meriläinen, Matti; Käyhkö, Katinka; Kõiv, Kristi; Sinkkonen, Hanna-Maija (2019). Academic bullying among faculty personnel in Estonia and Finland. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 41 (3), 241−261.10.1080/1360080X.2019.1591678.

Nursi, Aaro; Padrik, Marika; Nursi, Liisa; Pähkel, Maarja; Virkunen, Liis; Küttim-Rips, Anne; Taba, Pille (2019). Adaption and validation of the Mississippi Aphasia Screening Test to Estonian speakers with aphasia. Brain and Behavior, 9 (1), ARTN e01188.10.1002/brb3.1188.

Hooshyar, Danial; Lim, Heuiseok; Pedaste, Margus; Yang, Kisu; Fathi, Moein; Yang, Yeongwook (2019). AutoThinking: An Adaptive Computational Thinking Game. In: Innovative Technologies and Learning (381−391). Springer. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-35343-8_41.

Meriläinen, Matti; Kõiv, Kristi; Honkanen, Anu (2019). Bullying effects on performance and engagement among academics. Employee Relations, 41 (6), 1205−1223.10.1108/ER-11-2017-0264.

Yang, Yeongwook; Hooshyar, Danial; Lim, Heui Seok (2019). GPS: Factorized group preference-based similarity models for sparse sequential recommendation. Information Sciences, 481, 394−411. DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2018.12.053.

Lee, Seolhwa; Lee, Dongyub; Hooshyar, Danial; Jo, Jaechoon; Lim, Heuiseok (2019). Integrating breakdown detection into dialogue systems to improve knowledge management: encoding temporal utterances with memory attention. Information Technology and Management. DOI: 10.1007/s10799-019-00308-x.

Meriläinen, Matti; Nissinen, Pirkko; Kõiv, Kristi (2019). Intention to leave among bullied university personnel. International Journal of Educational Management, 33 (7), 1686−1704.10.1108/IJEM-01-2018-0038.

Hooshyar, Danial; Lee, Seolhwa; Yang, YeongWook; Jo, Jaechoon; Lim, Heuiseok (2019). Long-term effects of adaptive customization support on elderly people. Cognition Technology & Work, 21 (3), 371−382. DOI: 10.1007/s10111-018-0516-9.

Lee,Seolhwa; Hooshyar,Danial; Ji, Hyesung; Nam, Kichun; Lim, Heuiseok (2019). Mining biometric data to predict programmer expertise and task difficulty. Cluster Computing, 1, 1−11. DOI: 10.1007/s10586-017-0746-2.

Hooshyar, Danial; Pedaste, Margus; Yang, Yeongwook (2019). Mining Educational Data to Predict Students’ Performance through Procrastination Behavior. Entropy, 22 (1), 12. DOI: 10.3390/e22010012.

Silm, Gerli; Must, Olev; Taht, Karin (2019). PREDICTING PERFORMANCE IN A LOW-STAKES TEST USING SELF-REPORTED AND TIME-BASED MEASURES OF EFFORT. Trames Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 23 (3), 353−376.10.3176/tr.2019.3.06.

Männiste, Tõnis; Pedaste, Margus; Schimanski Roland (2019). Review of instruments measuring decision making performance in military tactical level battle situation context. Military Psychology, 31 (5), 397−411.10.1080/08995605.2019.1645538.

Hallap, Merit; Padrik, Marika (2019). Simultaanse kakskeelsusega 3- ja 4-aastaste laste grammatilised oskused eesti keeles. Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat, 15, 35−52.

Lim, Heuiseok;Hooshyar, Danial; Ji, Hyesung ; Lee, Seolhwa; Jo, Jaechoon (2019). SmartSenior: Automatic Content Personalization Through Semi-supervised Learning. Wireless Personal Communications, 105, 1−13. DOI: 10.1007/s11277-018-5947-3.

Kyttälä, Minna; Sinkkonen, Hanna-Maija; Kõiv, Kristi (2019). Social, emotional, and behavioral strengths and difficulties among sixth grade students: comparing student and teacher ratings in Finland and Estonia. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 1−13.10.1080/21683603.2019.1640148.

Knezic, Dubravka; Meijer, Paulien; Toom, Auli; Leijen, Äli; Mena, Juanjo; Husu, Jukka (2019). Student teachers’ self-dialogues, peer dialogues, and supervisory dialogues in placement learning. European Journal of Teacher Education, 42 (5), 539−556.10.1080/02619768.2019.1652901.

Toom, Auli; Tiilikainen, Mikko; Heikonen, Lauri; Leijen, Äli; Mena, Juanjo; Husu, Jukka (2019). Teacher candidate learning of action-oriented knowledge from triggering incidents in teaching practice. Teachers and Teaching, 25 (5), 536−552.10.1080/13540602.2019.1652162.

Pedaste, Margus; Leijen, Äli; Poom‐Valickis, Katrin; Eisenschmidt, Eve (2019). Teacher professional standards to support teacher quality and learning in Estonia. European Journal of Education, 54 (3), 389−399.10.1111/ejed.12346.

Anspal, Tiina; Leijen, Äli; Löfström, Erika (2019). Tensions and the Teacher’s Role in Student Teacher Identity Development in Primary and Subject Teacher Curricula. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 63 (5), 679−695.10.1080/00313831.2017.1420688.

Salo, Age; Uibu, Krista; Ugaste, Aino & Rasku-Puttonen, Helena (2019). The Challenge for School-based Teacher Educators: Establishing Teaching and Supervision Goals. Teacher Development, 23 (5), 609−626. DOI: 10.1080/13664530.2019.1680426.

Kalk, Karmen; Luik, Piret; Taimalu, Merle (2019). The characteristics of students, blog groups and blogging that predict reflection in blogs during teaching practice and induction year. Teaching and Teacher Education, 86, 102900.10.1016/j.tate.2019.102900.

Saks, Katrin; Leijen, Äli (2019). The efficiency of prompts when supporting learner use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 32 (1-2), 1−16.10.1080/09588221.2018.1459729.

Säre, Egle, Tulviste, Tiia & Luik, Piret (2019). The function of questions in developing a preschooler’s verbal reasoning skills during philosophical group discussions. Early Child Development and Care, 189 (4), 555−568.10.1080/03004430.2017.1331221.

Taimalu, Merle; Luik, Piret (2019). The impact of beliefs and knowledge on the integration of technologyamong teacher educators: A path analysis. Teaching and Teacher Education, 79, 101−110.10.1016/j.tate.2018.12.012.

Hooshyar, Danial; Kori, Kuelli; Pedaste, Margus; Bardone, Emanuele (2019). The potential of open learner models to promote active thinking by enhancing self-regulated learning in online higher education learning environments. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50 (5), 2365−2386. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12826.

Hooshyar, Danial; Kori, Külli; Pedaste, Margus; Bardone, Emanuele (2019). The potential of open learner models to promote active thinking by enhancing self‐regulated learning in online higher education learning environments. British Journal of Educational Technology. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12826.

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