Topic: institute

Aleksandar Baucal is interested in the development of children's new competencies
Belgradi Ülikooli korraline professor Aleksandar Baucal räägib, mis on haridusvaldkonna probleemid ning kuidas erinevad üksteisest Serbia ja Eesti haridussüsteem.
Centre for Educational Technology
Overview of the Centre for Educational Technology in the Institute of Education.
29. August 2022 institute
On Friday, the University of Tartu Institute of Education celebrates its 20th anniversary and opens its new building
On Friday, 4 March at 10, a newly renovated academic and research building will be opened at Jakobi 5 in Tartu for the staff and students of all departments of the University of Tartu Institute of Education. Also, a conference will be held to celebrate the institute's 20th anniversary.
01. March 2022 institute
Institute of Education
The Institute of Education provides research-based, pre-service training for teachers, special education teachers, speech therapists, and social pedagogues.
30. November 2021 institute