Topic: research

Doctoral defence: Gerli Silm “Test-taking motivation in low-stakes and high-stakes testing contexts”
On 6th of September 2022 at 10.00 Gerli Silm will defend her doctoral thesis "Test-taking motivation in low-stakes and high-stakes testing contexts".
08. August 2022 researchfor society
Karmen Kalk defended her PhD thesis “Using blogs to promote and predict reflection during teaching practice and induction year”
17. juunil kaitses Karmen Kalk haridusteaduse erialal oma doktoritöö „Using blogs to promote and predict reflection during teaching practice and induction year“.
20. June 2022 research
University of Tartu sets out to increase climate awareness
University of Tartu starts the project "Climate awareness from school to society: empowering children, youth and teachers to reduce the effects of climate change" with partners.
16. September 2022 research
Doctoral defence: Karmen Kalk “Using blogs to promote and predict reflection during teaching practice and induction year”
17. juunil 2022 kell 10.00 kaitseb TÜ haridusteaduste instituudi ning ökoloogia ja maateaduste instituudi doktorikraadide andmise ühisnõukogus Karmen Kalk oma doktoritööd.
18. May 2022 researchfor society
Wilson Ofotsu Otchie defended his doctoral thesis „Social Media in Education: Contextualizing Teaching with Social Media in High School“
On May 13th, Wilson Ofotsu Otchie defended his doctoral thesis “Social media in education: contextualizing teaching with social media in high school”.
16. May 2022 research
Seminar “How technology and the social is (not) related” by Heidrun Allert to be held on May 13th
We invite you to take part in the seminar “How technology and the social is (not) related” by professor Heidrun Allert (University of Kiel) on May 13th from 11:00 to 12:30 in Jakobi 5-B151, Tartu.
26. April 2022 research
Doctoral defence: Wilson Ofotsu Otchie “Social media in education: contextualizing teaching with social media in high school”
On 13 May 2022 at 15.00 Wilson Ofotsu Otchie will defend his doctoral thesis „Social Media in Education: Contextualizing Teaching with Social Media in High School“.
14. April 2022 researchfor society
Seminar by April Luehmann to be held on April 8th
8. aprillil kell 10.00 kuni 13.45 toimub Jakobi 5 ruumis 151 seminar „Teachers’ engagement in Design-Based Research – the COVID Connects Us Project“, mida juhib kaasprofessor April Luehmann.
28. March 2022 research