Topic: research

Estonian Journal of Education: call for papers
We are inviting submissions for a special issue of Estonian Journal of Education.
28. March 2023 research
Tapashi Binte Mahmud Chowdhury defended her PhD thesis “Establishing trans-contextual science education in promoting active informed citizenry for societal development”
On 7 October Tapashi Binte Mahmud Chowdhury defender her doctoral thesis and was awarded with a doctoral degree.
07. October 2022 research
Doctoral students are invited to three-minute thesis competition
On 11 November, the university invites all doctoral students to the University of Tartu three-minute thesis competition to present their research to colleagues and the general public.
04. October 2022 research
Doctoral defence: Helen Semilarski “Improving students’ self-efficacy towards acquiring disciplinary and interdisciplinary core ideas and 21st century skills for promoting meaningful science learning”
7. oktoobril 2022 kell 15.00 kaitseb TÜ haridusteaduste instituudi ning ökoloogia ja maateaduste instituudi doktorikraadide andmise ühisnõukogus Helen Semilarski oma doktoritööd.
15. September 2022 researchfor society
Estonian Journal of Education: call for papers
We are inviting submissions for the free issue of Estonian Journal of Education (Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri), which is scheduled to be published in November 2023.
23. August 2022 research