Seminar by April Luehmann to be held on April 8th


We invite you to join the seminar „Teachers’ engagement in Design-Based Research – the COVID Connects Us Project“ by associate professor April Luehmann (Warner School of Education, University of Rochester) on April 8th from 10:00 to 13:45, taking place in Jakobi 5-B151. Please register here to participate.

„Learning together through cycles of design, implementation and analysis, design-based research (DBR) allows teachers to work collaboratively to address a common persistent problem of practice. Our current COVID Connects Us project engages 55 middle and high school science teachers in three sites across the country to work in nine small professional learning communities (PLCs) to do just that. Inspired by a shared experience of teaching a common introductory science unit at the beginning of the school year called COVID Connects Us, each PLC created a theory of change, outlining a strategy to implement and test in each of their classrooms. In this seminar, I will share the goals and structure of the COVID project, the focal topics taken up by the different PLCs, and what we have learned so far about supporting them.“ – April Luehmann


10:00-11:30 seminar

11:30-12:15 lunch

12:15-13:45 seminar

The event is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (University of Tartu ASTRA Project PER ASPERA).

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